When I had my first child in 2019, I was living in Connecticut. Our local pediatrician's office had a new moms group that met every Tuesday morning. I started going to when my daughter was just a few weeks...

Moving On

“But Mom, why would we get rid of something that we love so much?” Talk about a gut punch. This is what my five-year-old said to me when my husband and I officially broke the news that our house...
This past year I have realized more than ever that as an adult maintaining friendships and making new friends can be a difficult road to navigate. Looking back over the past twelve years, I graduated college, started my career,...
Pre-mom life, I would have never had the courage or strength to take myself out on a date. I would always admire those who would be out, by themselves, enjoying lunch or a coffee. It looked so peaceful and...
We get good at taking care of others as mothers. As this happens we may stop taking time to gift ourselves some self-care. That pile of dishes becomes more important than our morning run. Maybe we might get in...
Let’s face it, winter here can be brutal. So many cold, dreary, gray days. My family spends all of winter in hockey rinks so you better believe I am ready to welcome spring with open arms! This season marks...
Your health equals wealth. This fact rings true for people of all ages. However, some of us aren't so lucky in this department. Life comes with its own set of challenges when you're sick, disabled, or have a special...
I forget when or where I heard this quote, but I distinctly remember that it *stuck* once I did: "Today is the childhood our kids will remember."  That's it. It's just that simple. It's not the big family trips (though, fun and...
I want to start by saying I love my son, and I love being a mother. If there’s anything in this world I was meant to do, it was be a mother. Being the one my son leans on...
Two and half years ago my life irrevocably changed. One moment, I was a 39-year-old woman with a husband, and an almost two-year-old son, living in a single-family home in a desirable neighborhood in a quintessential Massachusetts town, with...

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In + Around Central Mass

Mom’s Night Out at Dragonflies and Amber Recap!

Our Mom's Night Out at Dragonflies and Amber was a night to remember! It truly was a beautiful and enjoyable event from start to finish!...