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Laurelle Farrell

Laurelle Farrell
Laurelle Farrell is a wedding and portrait photographer behind AR Images in Marlborough MA. She also provides photographic and strategic social marketing and web solutions for various small businesses locally and across the country. Laurelle is the co-owner of Timeless Bridal Creations which provides alternative bouquets and decor for brides to be. Laurelle lives in Marlborough with her husband Jon, daughter Amelia and pups Taylor and Bella. When she isn’t chasing her toddler around she can usually be found snuggled up in fuzzy socks with a good book, or enjoying her favorite ice cream.

Winter Wellness Habits for Moms :: Embracing Self-Care & Nourishment

Winter brings a season of slowing down, but for many of us, the pace of motherhood remains full throttle. Embracing winter wellness habits doesn’t mean reinventing routines; it’s about layering warmth, nourishment, and gentle...

Honoring Motherhood Throughout My Cycle with PCOS

For years, I watched other women structure their work schedules and to-dos around their cycles, finding efficiency and balance by syncing their productivity with their body’s rhythms. But with PCOS and irregular cycles, that...

Lessons in a Hair Style…Bangs

We've all heard it before, "Bangs are never a good idea." Whether you've been told by a friend, or a stylist, or perhaps you've had your own disastrous bang moment, it seems to be...

Three Green Bean Casserole Recipes

I may be a little bit obsessed here, but truly I’m not sure if there is a better side dish than green bean casserole. That being said a soup can never comes into play...

A Book and Sensory Bin: Let’s Learn About Swamps

The book: The Swamp Where Gator Hides This book beautifully explores the vibrant ecosystem of a swamp. It introduces a variety of animals that call the swamp home, including some unexpected surprises like ducks, deer,...

Reading to Your Newborn: A Moms Look Back

Four years back, 5pm would roll around in our home and my husband would come downstairs to the sweet sounds of “The Little Blue Truck”. He’d wonder if I really read this every night…truly...
screen time

Tips & Tricks for Screen Time Boundaries

We managed to stay almost 100% screen-free other than an occasional sick day until our daughter was 3.5 years old. This isn’t meant to shame anyone but simply to showcase that it is possible....

A Word…A Poem for The Toddler Years

There has to be a word sharper than love and sideways of grief. A word heavier than prayer and stronger than any grace I’ve ever known before. A word for when you could break...

13 Ideas for Toddler Girl Easter Baskets

Easter happens to be at the end of March this year. It is sneaking up quickly on many of us! So I have put together some ideas for toddler Easter baskets for girls. Toddler...

Valentine’s Day – In Our Toddler Girl Mom Era

Valentine's Day has always been nice, but it certainly was never my favorite day of the year. The pressure for a fancier date night immediately after work, and what on earth to buy for...