The all important question. When is it time to drop naps? Is it time to drop THE nap? There is not a specific time or age that works for all kids. As with many things regarding sleep and development, every...
In our house, nothing kicks off a new season quite like digging out books to go with it. As we wrapped up Thanksgiving, we neatly placed all the books about turkeys and acorns and gratefulness back onto the shelf....
It's March 17th. I'm just over a month into my new job after a cross-country move, and my boss stands over my desk saying, "Take all your stuff home. We will most likely be working from home starting tomorrow... indefinitely." Oh....
Expecting a child always comes with unsolicited advice. Especially on how to help the older child adjust to the new addition of a baby. I was told about 1-on-1 time, how to avoid other big changes, how to introduce...
Valentine's Day has always been nice, but it certainly was never my favorite day of the year. The pressure for a fancier date night immediately after work, and what on earth to buy for gifts. Then I became a...
When I became a first time parent, I did not have realistic sleep expectations. A bunch of my friends had told me all about how their kids slept through the night and that dream feeds were the best. Buy...
Recently, I wrestled with deciding to switch to formula or not to feed my second baby, and I had to remind myself of a lesson I often teach. I have trained many corporate leaders in the art of decision-making....
The weather is finally warming up!  Snow has melted, and it feels like spring.  The downside to spring in New England: Rain. Rainy days don’t have to be a death sentence to your productivity. Here are some rainy-day activities that have...
There has to be a word sharper than love and sideways of grief. A word heavier than prayer and stronger than any grace I’ve ever known before. A word for when you could break but you will not. A...
Congratulations, your little one just turned one! They are officially a toddler. Time for a big kid bed! NOPE! Don't ditch that crib yet. My advice? Stay in that crib for as long as you possibly can! The older...

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In + Around Central Mass

Mom’s Night Out Puzzle Mania at Eastern Shores Club Recap!

I was especially excited to put this Mom's Night Out together because I have loved doing puzzles for as long as I can remember....