For 2024, I want to be more intentional with my vision for self-improvement. I want to set myself up to create better habits throughout the upcoming new year. I have thought a lot about how I can do it...
Flakey. Scattered. Radical. Neglectful. Intimidating.  That is just a handful of adjectives that have been used to (negatively) describe me over the years. These comments came from people who I will call my "Fan Club". Many would call them haters,...
Fall is my favorite season of them all! I actually love all four seasons and have tried to deny it in the past, but I am a New England girl at heart, and Fall is my #1 for sure! I...
First of all, I think we can all agree that however you choose to feed your baby, they deserve to be fed. In February, one of the country's largest formula producers recalled their products and shut down further production...
We thought we treated it appropriately. We followed the doctor’s initial recommendations for treating our son’s Lyme disease. He got a little better with the antibiotics but never went back to his normal self. It was nearly a year...
I've always liked the idea of a CSA (community-supported agriculture). In a CSA, individuals, and families can buy shares of a local farm at the beginning of the growing season. This provides funds for the farm to operate, and...
Does the thought of a trampoline park instill a deep sense of dread in the pit of your stomach? Does the horror of cold season come with an extra side of never-ending leaking every time you cough or sneeze?...
As an all-around optimist, I tend to look at the glass half full. Even on the dullest of days, I can spot the light. Ask me what makes me this way and I’ll say it’s largely because of my...
One of the hardest parts about being postpartum is finding the time to exercise or move your body with small children around.  Small babies have unpredictable sleep schedules which can prevent us from finding a good time to do, well,...
Your health equals wealth. This fact rings true for people of all ages. However, some of us aren't so lucky in this department. Life comes with its own set of challenges when you're sick, disabled, or have a special...

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In + Around Central Mass

How to Have the Best Spring Picnic

Spring is finally here! And, with spring, comes (hopefully) warmer weather! One often-forgotten simple joy that comes along with spring is picnicking. I am...