This February, I'll be taking a 6-day vacation in Disney World with 3 of my closest friends while my husband is home with my kids. This scenario has been met with mixed reactions - from shock & horror to...
Disclaimer: I am not a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST), however I am well versed in car seat safety. When in doubt, check with a local certified CPST! Fun fact: In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, it is a state...
I recently flew with my 4-month old daughter for the first time. Alone. Admittedly, I wasn't flying blind (pun intended) going into this trip. In addition to learning some things on my own, I received some great advice from an...
Suspend your judgment for what I’m about to tell you. Despite living in New England for seven years, my husband and I have only been to the coast twice. It sounds ridiculous, I know. It’s not that we don’t...
Vacations and travel are going to be a bit different for a lot of families this year. With travel restrictions and many avoiding air travel, there might be some long-distance car rides in your future. You might even find...
According to the CDC, the rates of autism diagnoses have been steadily rising in the past fifteen years.  Autism touches so many families - both children and their parents. With the wide variety of autism characteristics, it can make...
Of all the movie tropes about parenthood, here's the one that bothers me the most. A newborn cries in the middle of the night. The exhausted parents load the baby into the car and take her for a drive. The...
After the COVID travel hiatus, our family was able to take a few local weekends away. It was nice to visit some familiar places in New England and make memories with our son there. It was a little chaotic...
Packing to go camping with kids can be stressful. I grew up camping, and I knew when I had a family we were going to go camping as well. One of the first things I told my husband when...
We recently took a family trip to Florida and last minute added a few days in Disney World. I wasn't sure about going to Disney World with a 2 year old. I was worried if my son would even...

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