What is Self-Care?

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think I’m alone in this—women, mothers especially, are expected to fill any and every role out there at the drop of a hat. Typically, I do this seamlessly, often enjoying the moments...
I was well into my 30s before I understood a couple of things. First, I am an introvert. Also, introverts can have friends and be chatty, but we’re more selective about who we consider friends and what we are...
So you want to take that dream vacation but you’re nervous to fly with your young kids? I’ve got you! Flying with kids can be overwhelming and nerve-wracking (even going to the grocery store can feel that way!), but...
Holidays are already a stressful time of year, and adding a sensitive eater to the mix can put anyone over the edge. A year ago, my middle child was diagnosed with a type of sensory processing disorder related to...
There must be something in the air (okay, it's totally just my daughter's age), because I've been feeling so, super, beyond overstimulated the last couple of months by all the clattering of noises, incessant whining, constant needing, and over-the-top...
It is easy during the frenzied holiday season to forget ourselves a little. There is already so much on our plates. With the holidays also comes a full calendar of activities and plenty of extra to-do list items. We...
It’s that time of year again—it's time to start buying up those holiday items for all the upcoming parties and gift-giving occasions. Here are 5 holiday shopping tips and tricks to help this holiday season. Planning Ahead I feel like this...
Maybe I’m late to the game...but I recently heard the quote “Comparison is the thief of joy” and it really hit home for me. As moms, we all want what is best for our kids and we want to...
Thanksgiving is one of those holidays that oftentimes feels a bit complex. On the one hand, many of us come together to share a meal with our family and friends. We seek to give thanks and ground ourselves in...
I don't know about you, but I was always a bit bummed when I would get the iPhone notification on Sunday night alerting me to my average daily screen time throughout the week. On most days, I spent 2-3...

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