Setting Intentions Instead of Resolutions


Every year always starts off the same for me, I make the same resolution to “lose weight” or “be healthy”. I hit the gym hard, count calories, meal prep, see results, and then give up by February. I always think about “new year, new me” but never find success long term. After years of never following through for long, I wanted something different. I wanted to make goals I could actually achieve. So this year, I’m not setting resolutions, instead, I’m setting intentions.

Intentions versus Resolutions

I never understood the difference between the two until actually sitting down to think about how I want 2024 to be for myself. A resolution is the end result, the end goal of what we want. An intention, however, is the road map to get there.

I am a working mom with two children. So often, my resolutions do not take into account that we are human. There are going to be days when we’re crushing life and others when we are in full survival mode. If my resolution is to lose weight or be healthier by meal prepping and exercising daily, just one day of wanting to relax means I’ve failed. If I’ve already failed, what’s the use of trying? Intentions to “live healthier” mean I can take a day off from the gym and still succeed by being mindful about what I’m eating and doing during the day. Intentions are ways to live our lives and things to incorporate to make our lives more full.

Setting intentions rather than resolutions is new for me, and I’ve made a list of things to think about to help guide my intentions for the new year:

Core Beliefs and Values

Intentions are meant to be ways we want to live our lives. Instead of setting resolutions, we should try to set meaningful intentions with our core beliefs and values in mind. For me, I value connection, and I value time to physically move my body. I value being present with my children and husband. Find the things that you value or beliefs that are deeply meaningful to you.

Prioritize Your Focus

This is where I struggle the most! I want to focus on anything and everything at the same time. I want to commit to a million things, but this isn’t realistic. There simply isn’t enough time in the day to focus on all the areas I want to improve in my life. So, start by prioritizing and focusing on one or two areas that are the most important to you. This could be focusing on connections, healthy living, or finding your inner calm. Whatever you decide, make sure you’re thinking of the things you want in your life to make it the best yet.

Visualize It

To really help you fully commit, make your intentions visual! When I first started teaching, I worked with an amazing teacher who had a poster on the wall that said “I am braver than I believe, stronger than I seem, and smarter than I feel”. Every morning, this teacher had the students repeat these words. At first, there were tons of eye rolls (they were 5th graders), but by the end of the year listening to this group repeat those words was incredible. You could hear the belief that had grown daily as they recited this mantra. Use this to help with your intentions. Write it down on a Post-it note, make a vision board, stick something on your fridge, or put words and a visual somewhere that you’ll see daily. Let it be a reminder of the visions you have for the new year.

Make Your Plan

Unfortunately, life doesn’t change itself. Make some time to come up with your action plan. Think of the steps you’ll need to take to make these intentions a true part of your life. Use these plans as the steps you’ll be taking to live a better life. If connections are important to you, think about a group you could join to help you make more meaningful connections with those around you. Central Mass Mom does a ton of great events to help you connect with other moms! If wellness is at the top of your list, find realistic times to add movement to your week. Sit down (by yourself or maybe with your spouse) and come up with a plan to help manifest these intentions into reality.

What are your intentions for 2024? Share them with us and let’s all manifest a better year in 2024!


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