Changing Relationships With Our Mothers


Mothers, we’ve all had one at some point in our lives and many of us decide to become one ourselves. With Mother’s Day coming up, I thought it might be nice for us to reflect on our changing relationships with our mothers.

Throughout our lives, we live and grow through different stages of development. We have a unique and special relationship with our mother at each stage. This kind of relationship ebbs and flows with its hardships and successes.


Our mothers are everything! She is the one you need, your favorite person in the whole wide world. She holds you tight, feeds you, and gives you all the kisses and cuddles you need to feel safe and secure. What an important relationship for fostering all the loving relationships in your life. Mothers come in all shapes, sizes, and abilities. But no matter what, a baby will love their mother stronger than anything ever experienced. Talk about devoted!


As we get bigger, we push a few boundaries and test Mom’s patience. A small child still deeply loves her mother and now the fun begins! Days at the beach or out in nature, playground fun, and cuddles on the couch. Mom might be the first person you see in the morning and the last person you see at night. She is the one you go to when you’ve hurt yourself or are feeling sad. Mom is fun! But Mom is also strong and might often seem like the bad guy, but she really just wants what’s best for you, even if you don’t always see it that way.

The Teenage Years

Ah, those years when you test your mom and she tests you right back! As a teenager, you think you are too cool to be seen with your mom yet you still need her to drive you places, not really as independent as you think you are. At this stage, a teenager might start to drift away from their mother. There are just so many things going on in a teenager’s life that your mom just doesn’t rate that highly over your friends and relationships, driving, and your school/work life. Emotions are running high!


Now this is where you soar. You branch out, move out of home, study, or live abroad. You still check in with your mom and miss her when you can’t get home as often as you would like. But life is fun! After finishing your studies, you head out into the world to build your career and develop your relationships. You might tell your mom about the ups and downs in your relationships (but not all the details I’m sure) and eventually, you might find the right partner and move on to one of the most important connections you’ll ever have with your mother.


And I have never needed my mother more! Motherhood is hard, guys! So hard! When you live overseas and start a family you need all the help you can get. My mom became the person I relied on. And my mom is amazing. She is a retired neonatal nurse and lactation consultant. There are so many questions about pregnancy and motherhood that leave you stressed and in need of middle-of-the-night calls about your worries. I’ve never been so thankful for the mom I have, or the fact that I live 12 hours behind her (I’m Australian, so my middle of the night here is her middle of the day there, talk about convenient.) My mom has become my mentor and our relationship is stronger than it’s ever been. I’ve never talked to her more! Plus, let’s not forget the amazing relationship between a grandmother and her grandchild – Hi Grandma, Hi Nana!

So, as Mother’s Day rolls around this year, take a moment to pause on your changing relationship with your mom. Tell her how much you appreciate her because if your mom is anything like mine, you’re lucky to have her in your life!

I love you, Mum. Happy Mother’s Day!


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