As an all-around optimist, I tend to look at the glass half full. Even on the dullest of days, I can spot the light. Ask me what makes me this way and I’ll say it’s largely because of my...
Regardless of how your family is celebrating this year, sleep could be affected. You may be traveling to see friends and family, maybe you are hosting a holiday this year. Perhaps, you are staying home or having a ZOOM...
Anticipating my first child was very exciting! He arrived late on a Saturday night and was very reluctant to leave my womb. Once he emerged, we were told he was healthy and now we were suddenly parents. I...
  A guy I went to high school with posted something about parenthood that really resonated with me. His brother-in-law, Nick, who I also went to high school with, commented and I think he might be onto something. I laughed out...
Before my son was born, I was spontaneous, adventurous, and energetic (I'd like to think I still am all of these to some degree), but when I became a new parent my perspective on things completely changed. And, well,...
The dreaded time change! Anyone else hoping this is the last time we have to change the clocks? I supposed the "extra" hour of sleep (if you don't have kids) in the fall is great, I mean when it's...
{This piece was written pre-pandemic. While daily life looks different than it did back then, the sentiment of this post still hits home to those of us who have experienced the transition of going back to work after maternity...
Processing Big Emotions Together Only three months left in this crazy year. Routines have been disrupted, plans have been changed, and life looks different now than it did six months ago. To say 2020 has brought up a range of...
Mama, I See You | Central Mass Mom

Mama, I See You

Mama, I see you. I see you in the grocery store wrangling your crying kiddos. I see you at the park trying to push one child on the swing while catching the other one coming down the slide. I see you running out...
When I was a new mom, I joined a local mom's group. There is real sisterhood in sitting on the floor surrounded by other women who haven't showered and who accidentally wear their slippers out of the house. The...

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In + Around Central Mass

Mom’s Night Out at Dragonflies and Amber Recap!

Our Mom's Night Out at Dragonflies and Amber was a night to remember! It truly was a beautiful and enjoyable event from start to finish!...