Most parents end up being caught in the “sandwich generation.” Being a caregiver for young children and aging parents at the same time is a lot of work. As a dual caregiver, it is important to take care of yourself too.
Here are some tips on preventing caregiver burnout:
Ask for help
There are people to support you whether you are caring for children, aging parents, or both. Contact your local Aging Service Access Point for resources available to your aging parents. Online communities are great ways to find support and tips for raising children. It truly does take a village. It’s important to know your limits and ask for help when you need it!
Plan time to get organized
Balancing multiple schedules, appointments, and work can be overwhelming. Schedule time to plan each week. This could mean getting school forms ready, filling a pill container, or just reading your planner. It takes time to get organized and stay organized, so don’t be afraid to assign tasks to others and allow yourself time each week to prepare.
Prepare Financially
Caregiving for older adults and children is expensive. It’s important to have a full understanding of your loved one’s financial situation because many older adults are eligible for public benefits. The National Council on Aging’s Benefit’s check-up is a great place to start. Also, talk with your loved one’s physician about what the future may look like. You should also speak to an elder law attorney on asset management if you are considering Assisted Living or Skilled Nursing.
Give Yourself Grace
You are supporting your family, and it’s a lot of work. It’s okay to bring a box of Munchkins to the church potluck, and it’s also okay to show up empty-handed and late with messy hair. Remind yourself that you show up every day and you are doing great. This is a season of life that will eventually pass, and I’m right there with you. To quote my 3-year-old daughter, “You Can Do It”!