Journal Prompts To Support Your Well-Being


As we enter one of the busiest seasons of the year, it is more important than ever to prioritize our mental health. A year or so ago, I sat down with my mom (she is a therapist – I’m currently training to become one, too) to discuss her thoughts on mental health and motherhood. It is a conversation I reflect on often. As we navigate back to school, preparing for the holiday season, and everything that comes with life – I am excited to share a set of journal prompts along with a challenge.

Over the next thirty days, take just five minutes each day to write down your thoughts on each prompt. Be sure to set a timer for those five minutes – and keep writing the entire time. This journal is just for you, so don’t worry about it being coherent or polished. This is space for you to reflect on what you want and need when it comes to prioritizing your well-being. I am confident that by the end of the month, you’ll have increased clarity and will feel inspired to take care of yourself.

So grab your journal, and let’s get started with the following journal prompts:

  1. What does well-being mean to you? [You can change the word well-being to mental health, self-care, self-love, wellness, or whatever most resonates for you].
  2. How does well-being show up in your daily life? Where do you feel like you’re doing well, and what do you feel like you’re missing?
  3. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you feel you’re currently prioritizing your well-being? Write about your reasoning for the number you chose.
  4. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you want to be prioritizing your well-being? Write about your reasoning for the number you chose.
  5. Consider the difference between the number you chose on day 3, and the number you chose on day 4. How could you move it up just one point? What about two points?
  6. If you have five minutes with no responsibilities and want to take care of yourself, what might you do? List as many things as you can imagine.
  7. If you have thirty minutes with no responsibilities and want to take care of yourself, what might you do? List as many things as you can imagine.
  8. If you have sixty minutes with no responsibilities and want to take care of yourself, what might you do? List as many things as you can imagine.
  9. Look at your lists from the last three days and choose one from each day that would feel really good. Then write a reflection on how – and when – you might make them happen.
  10. What and who inspires you?
  11. What do you love most about yourself? If you’re struggling with this one – start small, and think about something you appreciate about how you show up in the world.
  12. What are you most grateful for?
  13. How do you want your children to see you?
  14. What is your relationship to boundaries?
  15. Based on your thoughts from yesterday, how would you like your relationship with boundaries to evolve and grow? Or, where do you want to continue doing what you’re doing?
  16. We’ve reached the halfway mark. Take a step back to read a journal entry or two. What are you feeling?
  17. When do you feel happiest? Describe the people, places, and things that light you up.
  18. What do you want to tell your younger self?
  19. What do you want your future self to tell you now?
  20. What is something you’re proud of yourself for?
  21. What is one change that you could make that would make your life and overall well-being just a little better?
  22. What is one change that you could make that would make your life and overall well-being a whole lot better?
  23. What is one thing you want to do in the next month that would bring you joy?
  24. What is one thing you want to do in the next year that would bring you joy?
  25. When do you feel most confident?
  26. What are your sources of motivation? When you get stuck, what motivates you again?
  27. Write about the last time you really laughed.
  28. What would you do if you knew you wouldn’t fail?
  29. Write a love note to yourself that you can come back to on hard days.
  30. Reflect on the past 30 days of journaling. What have you learned about yourself? What do you want to take with you, as you move forward?

Be sure to let us know, if you’re journaling, by tagging us at @CentralMassMom.


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