Most moms have experienced burnout - estimates say 68% of working moms and 55% of stay-at-home moms have felt they are moving towards, or full-on experiencing, burnout. These numbers are deeply concerning. As a working mom myself, I have...
What does "balance in motherhood" mean to you? Does it mean going to work 9-5 with a smile and then coming home to your child(ren) totally "on" then squeezing in a workout and then going to bed? Does it...
In the modern world, where the demands of work and family often are in constant competition, finding the delicate balance between career and parenting has become a skill that many strive to master. Juggling the responsibilities of work and...
When it comes to time-saving hacks, I have a bit of expertise. I have two young children, work full-time, am in graduate school, and manage a of lot "extracurricular" activities. For me, saving time is not a nice-to-do. It...
Most of us have heard the saying that we need to put on our own oxygen mask before helping others. Yet, as moms, we are often left to wonder - what is the oxygen mask? Where do I find...
Our daughter started attending daycare at three months old. My husband and I both work full-time, but I work from home two days a week. So we thought our best option was starting her out three days a week...
Welcome to the world of daycare as a working parent where you pay someone the equivalent of a mortgage to watch your child while you go to work. This year has been the first year my family has relied...
Becoming a mother is an extraordinary journey filled with countless emotions and challenges. One aspect that often weighs heavily on many parents' minds is finding the best childcare solution. When I was pregnant with my son, I joined a...
Are you "good" or "bad" at saying yes to help as a mother? Me... well I'm getting better. There were so many times I pushed away help as a first-time mom. I thought I didn't need or deserve the help of...
My maternity leave has come to an end. My 10-month-old is off to daycare, and I head back into the classroom as a public school teacher. I feel incredibly fortunate to have been able to be home on maternity...

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