Benefits of Boredom


I love technology! We live in an amazing age of Google, Alexa, and Amazon Prime. Our kids are growing up with information and resources at their fingertips. They can download anything they want with the click of a button, but the instant gratification leaves our kids little room for boredom. It is so easy to give in to the boredom whining. Trust me, I am guilty of handing over my phone or tablet to get quiet time. I have recently tried to give my kids the time to be bored, and I am already seeing the great benefits of boredom in my kids. 

Boredom is good for their mental health

Kids are overloaded with information and distractions. They use all their attention for productive activities – like school and sports. These things are important and should get attention, but a little boredom can go a long way to letting their brains recharge and relax.

Boredom increases their creativity

Boredom means stimulation is absent, so it is up to our kids to create their own entertainment. Bored kids may start doodling, humming, or tapping out a beat. These are small steps that can lead to wonderful imaginative play. I could write a whole blog on the benefits of imagination, but let us just say it is good for kids of all ages.

Boredom can be their motivation

A bored child may start throwing a ball against a wall or try to bounce a ball off the roof. This can easily turn into a new challenge to see how high or far they can get it. Can they catch it on the return? Simple self-motivation like this can build valuable life skills.

Boredom helps create hobbies

I decided to go to an audition for a play at a local community theater when I was bored (this is where I met my husband), and the theater is now a hobby of mine. It has become something that my entire family can enjoy. Boredom allows you and your family to say “Yes” to trying something new.

Boredom builds self-control

Kids need to learn how to manage boredom and luckily kids learn things quickly. I am already seeing it with my kids because they are whining about being bored less. I witnessed my son turn the TV off on his own and take out his watercolor painting book.

Let your kids have boredom – the benefits are endless.


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