“What website can I use to help my child read?” “Where can I go to print math worksheets?” “What type of routine do you suggest?” We’re in our first year of homeschooling our 8 and 4-year-old boys. My network knows I’ve been...
Suspend your judgment for what I’m about to tell you. Despite living in New England for seven years, my husband and I have only been to the coast twice. It sounds ridiculous, I know. It’s not that we don’t...
While on my maternity leave, I felt like all I did was spend time on a screen. I would scroll mindlessly while nursing/feeding, contact napping, and even while watching TV. And yes, it was wintertime while I was on...
When I became a mom, nothing excited me more than being able to start our holiday traditions as a family. Growing up, holidays were always a magical time filled with traditions. From decorating the house with my grandfather's handmade...
It's spring in New England which means, chances are, it's probably raining. Again. But just because it's another wet day and there's standing water in your basement, doesn't mean it has to be dreary! Here is your rainy-day survival...
I never understood the appeal of a Disney vacation without kids. I never imagined myself going to Disney World without a child in tow. To me, Disney was a place for kids. When I got the opportunity to go...
Imagine This: You wake up and it's snowing! This means your office is closed, so you have time to curl up under a blanket with a hot cup of coffee and a new book. This is going to be...
Fall is my favorite season of them all! I actually love all four seasons and have tried to deny it in the past, but I am a New England girl at heart, and Fall is my #1 for sure! I...
Easter happens to be at the end of March this year. It is sneaking up quickly on many of us! So I have put together some ideas for toddler Easter baskets for girls. Toddler Easter baskets can be super...
The spring time change is coming but there’s no need to panic! "Springing forward" affects kids’ sleep far less than “falling back”. In fact, it may work to your advantage if you have an early bird on your hands. When...

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Many moms and their families in our community deal with allergies and intolerances to certain foods, so going out to eat can become more...