Reflecting on My First Mother’s Day as a Single Mom


I wasn’t sure how I felt going into this Hallmark holiday. This was my first Mother’s Day as a single mom. I was happy to have the weekend with my kids, but they are usually with me on weekends. I wondered if it would be relaxing and fun or if it would be overwhelming and stressful.

At first, I felt obligated to plan things to do and places to go, but then I took a step back. This is supposed to be a day for Mom, so let’s do what Mom wants. Mom wants to have a nice relaxing day.

Mother’s Day morning arrived, and we got up and made smoothie bowls for breakfast. Both my kids presented me with beautiful handmade gifts they made at school. My oldest gave me a picture of herself that said my wishes for Mom and a jar full of wishes such as “I wish you more happys than sads.” My youngest painted a lovely picture of a cherry tree covered in pink cherry blossoms.

The kids then asked if they could play some video games. Sure, why not? I don’t usually let them play in the morning, however, this gave me a chance to sit and read a book! Would I rather it didn’t involve a screen? Of course, but Mom deserves a little downtime, too.

While I was reading, one of my good friends sent me a message, which included a post about studies that found children raised by a single mom to have strong bonds with their mothers, have high levels of resilience and adaptability, have more empathy and compassion, and have a strong sense of independence and self-reliance. She added, “You are a bad a** mom & your kids are so lucky to have you.” I received many other wonderful messages from friends and family, including “Happy Mother’s Day to one strong mama!!” The love and support I got was overwhelming and beautiful.

Later in our day, my kids decided they wanted to make a pumpkin pie. My oldest found some canned pumpkin in the pantry and gathered all the ingredients listed on the can. I helped them find all the measuring cups and spoons they needed and then put the pie in the oven. Otherwise, they made the pie by themselves. It was impressive.

While the pie was baking, my best friend and her two kids pulled up. Her son brought a bouquet of flowers and chocolate-covered strawberries to my door. My friend said every mom should feel appreciated and celebrated on Mother’s Day. Cue the tears. I never felt appreciated like this when I was married. I appreciated that someone else could show my kids how to treat their mom well. It wasn’t about the gift but that showing love, appreciation, and compassion to loved ones is important.

Later, I made some frozen pizza, and we ate the pumpkin pie for dessert. After eating, we played Legos and danced around. We never even got out of our pajamas all day. We just enjoyed the laid-back, family-oriented day without the hustle and bustle. I had the best first Mother’s Day as a single mom. I look forward to spending another special Mother’s Day with my kids next year.


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