I Took The Summer “Off”


summer offEveryone’s motherhood experience is different and unique to themselves. What works for you might not work for me and vice versa. However, I am choosing to write about my experience because I know it will inspire someone else to share their story.

A Message From The Heart

As mothers, our voices need to be heard and our feelings need to be validated. Sharing will bring us together but we need to eliminate the comparing. So I am asking that you continue to read my story about how I took the summer “off” with compassion.

My History

I had been a “SAHM” for 4 years but always had a part-time gig fulfilling my passion.  When my son was going to be heading into preschool it was time to re-evaluate and I knew a 9-5 was not going to work for me. If I had my own business, I could make my own schedule, still mother the way I had envisioned, and also contribute to my family financially.

The Present

Flash forward a few years and things are going well. This past spring, I decided that I would take the first six weeks of summer “off” and mother like no other! Hikes, beach trips, spontaneous plans, and then I would go back to work in mid-July with childcare and support lined up.

That was the plan…but then in April, my body was screaming at me in many ways and I had to make my health a priority. For the first time since becoming a mom, I HAD to put myself first. All the plans had to be put on hold until I felt better.

So when I started to feel better, it was time to go back to work, but I was having a hard time securing childcare. No problem! I’ve done this before. I’ll just balance working from home and continue to be a super mom. Can you say burnout? I wasn’t able to give my all to my business or my kids. I know that it is impossible to be 100% to everything as a mom but that didn’t stop the inner critic from taking over my brain.

Was the universe trying to tell me that I should give up on my business? Should I try to find a job with benefits? Should I homeschool my kids and lean into that lifestyle? Why am I not feeling fulfilled? I was questioning and criticizing everything for weeks, and it was exhausting.

The Turning Point

Then finally, I did the unthinkable for many moms. I asked for help. I told my husband that I needed a break and couldn’t wait for our family to be back into a routine. I was done with meeting the needs and demands of my kids every single day, ALL day for the past 2 months. The guilt I felt for saying that prevented me from asking for help sooner.

So I got a break and I spent two days at our home, alone and I was able to internally process so much by just having some space. I do believe everything happens for a reason and that I had to go through all of this to gain some clarity on where I want to go next. I learned a lot about myself and I know my kiddos also had a magical summer.


What I want to leave you with is this…summer is hard for every parent. Let’s just name that and accept it. None of us are taking the summer off. All moms are working regardless of their societal label – SAHM or Working Mom. We all deserve a break from life, whatever that looks like and we can’t do it all. We need to ask and offer help to each other more often. Let’s make a promise to ourselves now.  Are you with me?


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