Ariana Becker

Ariana Becker
Ari is a native of Princeton, MA and now lives in Holden with her husband, Sam, 3-year-old son, Henry, and 1-year-old, Ruby, after years of working in LA's TV industry. This certified yoga teacher is the voice behind The Good Getter - a lifestyle blog that touches on all-things baby, healthy living, and travel. When she’s not working as a full-time social media manager or hanging out with her guys, she can be found shaking it at a Zumba class, adventuring in Maine or scoping out the best coffee in the area.
mom snuggling her baby after breastfeeding

What I Never Knew About Breastfeeding

I’ve been breastfeeding my daughter now for two months. Eight weeks of feeding every 2 to 3 hours around the clock (up until very recently where she's been giving us a nice 5 to7...

Becoming A New Mom … All Over Again

Just two-and-a-half years ago, my son Henry was born. As a first time mom, I was figuring (and googling) things out as they happened - how much he should eat, how he would sleep,...

Happiness is a State of Being

Is the grass always greener over there? Sometimes we think it is. And, maybe sometimes it actually is. But, the more I think about life lately and the moments where I’m truly happy, I’m quick...
You're Less Alone Than You Think - Kid playing with playdough

You’re Less Alone Than You Think

It's easy to see someone else's beautifully curated IG feed and second guess everything you're doing as a mom. "They're life looks so put together." "No screen time - how?!" "Their children eat every meal?!" "Should we...
Just Us Two - Mom snuggling toddler

Just Us Two

Just Us Two A poem from the heart of a toddler mom Time is moving too fast. Time is moving too slow. I hold you and beg you to stay this small. I close my eyes and imagine the...
Comparing Pregnancies: Just don't title image, toddler kissing moms belly

Comparing Your Pregnancies… Yeah, Don’t Do That

As I approach the third trimester of my second pregnancy, I've been looking back at this journey with loving kindness for all my body is going through, how I look in the mirror and...
purple butterfly landing on a flower meditation made simple

Meditation Made Simple For Busy Parents

A lot of people roll their eyes at meditation. They think it's something they have to be "good" at or know a lot about in order to feel its positive effects on their body...

Tips for Moving with a Toddler

Home sweet home! You’ve found your new place and are excited as ever, but crap, now you’ve got to pack, clean, organize, move and most importantly, prep your little one for the transition ahead. Yikes. I...
7 tips for healthy glowy skin

7 Tips For Healthy, Glowy Skin

Recently, a former colleague of mine reached out asking how I was able to get "glowy and radiant skin as a full-time working mom." I paused at her unexpected statement. Me? My skin? I...
ways to find your rhythm

7 Ways To Find Your Rhythm (Again)

I don't know about you, but before I became a mother, the rhythm of my life seemed to flow smoothly from one thing to the next. (Of course, I had more energy to make...