Ariana Becker

Ariana Becker
Ari is a native of Princeton, MA and now lives in Holden with her husband, Sam, 3-year-old son, Henry, and 1-year-old, Ruby, after years of working in LA's TV industry. This certified yoga teacher is the voice behind The Good Getter - a lifestyle blog that touches on all-things baby, healthy living, and travel. When she’s not working as a full-time social media manager or hanging out with her guys, she can be found shaking it at a Zumba class, adventuring in Maine or scoping out the best coffee in the area.

Stop Waiting Until You’re Ready To Do What You Love

Almost two years ago, I became a certified yoga teacher. I was 8 months pregnant and quite possibly in the best shape of my life - physically and mentally. I was excited to take...
Mini Moments of Joy | Central Mass Mom

Motherhood: Finding Mini Moments of Joy

As an all-around optimist, I tend to look at the glass half full. Even on the dullest of days, I can spot the light. Ask me what makes me this way and I’ll say...
Balanced Life | Central Mass Mom

Helpful Tips For Living A Balanced Life

What does having a "balanced life" look like to you? (Hint hint: it looks a little different for all of us). I can guarantee you, though, that most of us tend to feel more prepared,...
Non-parent Friends | Central Mass Mom

What I Want My Non-Parent Friends To Know

Before my son was born, I was spontaneous, adventurous, and energetic (I'd like to think I still am all of these to some degree), but when I became a new parent my perspective on...

It’s Okay For Your Baby To Be Bored

I was sitting in my "hoffice" (home office)—a.k.a. my dining room table with a laptop—when I glanced over at my 14-month-old daydreaming in the living room amongst a sea of resting toys. He was playing...
Wake Up at 5 am | Central Mass Mom

Carving Out Time for Myself: Why I Choose To Wake Up At 5AM

Last month, I was listening to a podcast before drifting off to sleep and what I heard resonated with me so deeply. Marie Forleo of The Marie Forleo Podcast (you must check her out) sat...
Mantra | Central Mass Mom

The Mantra That Helped Me Through My Sleepiest Days

Rest. We all know how important it is. Rejuvenating shut-eye can feel like a much-needed tropical vacation from that hectic, exhausting, and sometimes overwhelming #momlife that's go-go-go from dawn 'til dusk. Before I became a...
Entertain Baby | Central Mass Mom

Creative Ways To Entertain Baby While Working From Home

It's March 17th. I'm just over a month into my new job after a cross-country move, and my boss stands over my desk saying, "Take all your stuff home. We will most likely be working...