I was born in July, and I loved having a summer birthday. Sometimes it could be difficult to plan because people would be on vacation, but it was always so much fun. Once I was able to celebrate, the...
For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted to make other people happy...sometimes to the point of leaving myself feeling quite the opposite — depleted, bummed, or stressed out. For years, I would spread myself thin just...
When I became a mother there was one task that scared me more than the rest - potty training. So, when my son got his diagnosis of severe nonverbal autism, this only heightened my fears for when that infamous...
Packing to go camping with kids can be stressful. I grew up camping, and I knew when I had a family we were going to go camping as well. One of the first things I told my husband when...
While on my maternity leave, I felt like all I did was spend time on a screen. I would scroll mindlessly while nursing/feeding, contact napping, and even while watching TV. And yes, it was wintertime while I was on...
I have a 15-month-old son, and I am expecting his sister soon. All that is on my mind right now is how to dress babies in their first year. Sorting through my son's old baby clothes is on my...
I’ve always loved to journal. There’s something very therapeutic and meaningful to me about the process of writing. I’m sure you’ve heard how impactful having a gratitude practice can be. It's become even more of an act of self-care...
Before I had my first child, I had no idea which baby products I would want, or even really what options existed. I looked to friends and family with children to help guide me with what they liked best,...
I have been thinking about breaking up with social media for a long time, and I know I am not alone in this feeling. There have been many times when I wish I didn't have a phone attached to...
If you are a parent of a young child, or in my case, two young children, chances are you are familiar with feeling "touched out". This phrase is coined for moms or primary parents, who feel emotionally and physically...

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