Home Authors Posts by Kate Hayes

Kate Hayes

Kate Hayes
Kate was born and raised in western MA, before heading to college in Boston to study neuroscience. After graduation, she lived in NYC for nearly a decade and CT for two years, before moving to Shrewsbury in 2021. She has a 4 year old daughter and a 2 year old son. Kate is a full-time working mom, leading the corporate leadership development programs at Echoing Green, a global leadership accelerator. Outside of her day job, she is a trained leadership coach and facilitator who loves to work with moms. She runs a local moms group in Shrewsbury, focused on connecting moms through deeply engaging conversations. When she’s not working, she loves to travel the world, cook her way through her cookbook collection, practice yoga, and spend time with her adorable children and husband.

Summer Must-Dos in Central Mass and Beyond

There is nothing quite like the anticipation of summer. So many of my best childhood memories take place in June, July, and August. The days were long and filled with adventures, traditions, exploration, and...

Date Night in Hudson

I am always on the search for our next great adventure, big or small. I have become particularly focused on finding great date night spots - thanks in large part to finally having a...

The Best Places To De-Stress In Central Mass

April is National Stress Awareness Month, which exists to spread awareness of the negative impact of stress. According to the NIH, "There is no single definition for stress, but the most common explanation is...

Our Experience With Hip Dysplasia

Let me start with something very important - none of what follows is medical advice. If you have any concerns, you should talk to a doctor you trust. Every experience with hip dysplasia is...

Life Lessons From My Toddler

If you have a toddler, chances are you spend a lot of time with them. From those early morning wake-ups to seemingly never-ending bedtime routines, toddlers require a lot of time and energy. When you...

My Top Tips For Decluttering + Organizing Your Home

I have a system to keep my home clean, and in recent months, I have been hyper-focused on organizing and decluttering. I recently wrote about how I stay organized as a working mom. As...

How I Stay Organized as a Working Mom

One of the questions I get asked most often is how I stay so organized. At the risk of sounding like I've completely got it all together (no one does!), I do feel as...

Returning To Work: Nine Months Later

Nine months ago, I returned to work after my second maternity leave. As I approached this milestone (the amount of time it took to make the baby that led to maternity leave!), I sat...
toddler in Brazil on an immersion trip, tips for raising bilingual kids.

Tips for Raising Bilingual Kids

We live in a multilingual household. While you walk the halls or hear us on the phone, you might hear Portuguese, French, Spanish, or English. When my husband and I found out we were...
mental health and motherhood

Mental Health: A Conversation With My Mom/Therapist

As the child of two social workers, it is no surprise that I grew up to both understand, and care a lot about, mental health. Over the years, I have learned the importance of...