Ashley Dorey

Ashley Dorey
Ashley is the wife, mama, and creator behind the blog Everything’s Hunky Dorey. She enjoys writing about everyday life as a family of six, motherhood, and all of their fun adventures. Ashley is a born & raised southerner who just recently moved to Massachusetts in 2021. She has been a stay-at-home mom since 2013 when her oldest son was born, and now has two sons and two daughters. You can typically find her with a coffee in one hand and a camera in the other, as she enjoys practicing her photography skills any chance she gets. She is always up for a group playdate at the park, exploring trails in the area, and especially, a mom’s night out!

Quick and Healthy After School Snacks

It is hard to believe that school has started, and with that, comes all the extracurriculars and after-school activities. Busy moms and kids, alike, need full stomachs to keep up with the routines and...

Fall Family Fun in Central Mass

It's so hard to believe that school has started and fall is right around the corner. With a new season comes new fall family fun activities to do in Central Mass. There's nothing like...

Books for Back to School

This fall is a big school year for our family. Out of our four children, three of them are transitioning to new schools - preschool, kindergarten, and middle school. My goal is that each...

How to Have Fun This Summer On a Budget

It's summertime, your kids are home and bored, and you keep seeing that one video about only having so many summers left with your kids before they're grown and gone. The pressure immediately sets in...

Splash Pads in Central Mass

Time to beat the heat this summer with these splash pads at playgrounds located in Central Mass. Summer is quite literally right around the corner, and as the temperatures start to warm up it...